Connections Through Time, Issue 22: January
- March 2004
"en·tan·gle v. –tr. 1. To twist together or entwine into a confusing mass;" - from the American Heritage Dictionary |
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Teleportation of Particles: Status by Dr. Nicholas Gisin, Leader of the Group of Applied Physics at Geneva University, presented on February 4, 2004. |
While there is plenty of debate about the meaning of QM and entanglement, physicists have performed laboratory experiments that demonstrate the reality and possible application of this mysterious phenomenon...and you will love one application because it is spooky and yet, real! Quantum Teleportation of photons (light particles) has been demonstrated in at least two laboratories.
In Star Trek we see
the almost instantaneous teleportation of people. While this may not be
possible any time soon, physicists have successfully teleported photons
applying the reality of QM and what Einstein termed 'spooky interactions at a
distance'. This spooky interaction is entanglement - "Entanglement
of a pair of objects means that measurements on one will instantaneously change
the properties of the other - no matter how far away they are. Ref".
It was the physicist Charles Bennett from IBM's labs at Yorktown Heights in New
York who introduced the world to the idea of quantum teleportation in
1993. The idea combined entanglement and normal slower than the speed of
light communication. The teleportation does destroy information
concerning the original particle, however, this information can be
reconstructed, exactly, at the new location. And the reconstruction, or
materialization, does not require the teleported particles to travel the
distance in-between! Quantum teleporting of particles can't happen faster than light,
something Einstein would be pleased to learn.
Nine years later,
in 2002, the quantum optics group at the Australian National University used
entanglement to teleport a laser beam in their laboratory. The experiment itself
was extremely complicated being the culmination of a decade of work. This is the
second time this effect has been observed, following earlier work at the
California Institute of Technology. The research program is led by Dr.
Ping Koy Lam, Prof. Hans Bachor and Dr. Timothy Ralph. The teleportation
experiment itself is the PhD project of Mr. Warwick Bowen and involves a team of
international experts: Dr. Roman Schnabel (Germany), Dr. Nicolas Treps (France)
and Dr. Ben Buchler (Australia).
So, this experiment showed that you do the quantum equivalent of faxing
particles within one laboratory by making photons from one location materialize
at another. Larger distances have already been done by researchers at the
University of Geneva in Switzerland and the University of Aarhus in Denmark.
They have teleported photons from one laboratory to another lab 55 meters away,
and their setup simulated a distance of two kilometers.
"Quantum states, which dictate the ultimate structure of objects, can be
teleported," said Nicholas Gisin, a professor of physics at the University
of Geneva. The key to teleportation is that only this information is
transported. "Objects can be transferred from one place to another without
ever existing anywhere in between. But only the structure is teleported.
The original object is destroyed and reconstructed," he said.
Teleportation has
numerous possible applications. Perhaps the most promising are in the
communication and computer industries. Quantum teleportation could potentially
allow fiber optic communication with faster bit transfer rates, and 100% secure
encryption of messages, and quantum computers with the ability to crunch complex
mathematical problems millions of times faster than present day computers.
We discuss quantum computers in the next section.
Teleporting a Beam of Laser Light
Teleportation goes the distance
Go to another section of
this issue:
Intuition: Entanglement and Quantum Computers
Applications: Entanglement and Life