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Intuition: Capabilities of Consciousness

Connections Through Time - Issue 1

Intuition Here is a definition from The American Heritage Electronic Dictionary, 1992.

in·tu·i·tion n. 1.a. The act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes; immediate cognition. b. Knowledge gained by the use of this faculty; a perceptive insight. 2. A sense of something not evident or deducible; an impression.

A brief summary of 3 scientific studies of "intuition" follows, with links for more detailed information.   Many scientific studies have demonstrated the reality of intuition for getting information which is remote in space-time.   Remote is a euphemism for "can't be explained using currently accepted physical laws."   However, respected scientists have studied the ability of humans to gather remote information...and, we can...but, we can't explain it.

1.   Dr. Hal Puthoff describes early scientific work in "remote viewing" in his journal article, CIA-Initiated Remote Viewing At Stanford Research Institute. This work is significant because very careful and monitored studies were performed, under the auspices of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. Remote viewing is probably the most studied form of intuition, and Dr. Puthoff, who was the founder and first director of this program, describes some of the history and recently declassified results.

Dr. Puthoff's last paragraph is quoted here:

"Regardless of one's a priori position, however, an unimpassioned observer cannot help but attest to the following fact. Despite the ambiguities inherent in the type of exploration covered in these programs, the integrated results appear to provide unequivocal evidence of a human capacity to access events remote in space and time, however falteringly, by some cognitive process not yet understood. My years of involvement as a research manager in these programs have left me with the conviction that this fact must be taken into account in any attempt to develop an unbiased picture of the structure of reality."

2.   Note that references to remote events in space and time include the future time. Dr. Jessica Utts, Division of Statistics, at the University of California, Davis, wrote a paper entitled, An Assessment of the Evidence for Psychic Functioning. In her abstract she says,

"Precognition, in which the answer is known to no one until a future time, appears to work quite well. Recent experiments suggest that if there is a psychic sense then it works much like our other five senses, by detecting change. Given that physicists are currently grappling with an understanding of time, it may be that a psychic sense exists that scans the future for major change, much as our eyes scan the environment for visual change or our ears allow us to respond to sudden changes in sound. It is recommended that future experiments focus on understanding how this phenomenon works, and on how to make it as useful as possible. There is little benefit to continuing experiments designed to offer proof, since there is little more to be offered to anyone who does not accept the current collection of data."

The papers by Dr. Puthoff and Professor Utts are from the Journal of Scientific Exploration,, Volume 10, Number 1.

3.   Dr. Dean Radin has collected a great deal of the unclassified data concerning many aspects of what is often called psychic phenomena, parapsychology, ESP, or simply psi. Here is a quote from his book The Conscious Universe.    He answers the following question: You mean this is for real?

"The short answer is, Yes.

A more elaborate answer is, psi has been shown to exist in thousands of experiments. There are disagreements over how to interpret the evidence, but the fact is that virtually all scientists who have studied the evidence, including the hard-nosed skeptics, now agree that there is something interesting going on that merits serious scientific attention."

"Something interesting going on" at odds of a billion to one -- details for these odds are here.

P-I-A believes increased scientific attention and funding for intuitive predictions of the future will follow the development of practical applications.   Click here to participate in an online experiment using intuition to gather information from the future.  In this experiment, your intuitive ability can be evaluated along with the group results.    This experiment involves the stock market as its practical application.

Further information:

A historical perspective by Jim Schnabel is: Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies. [Dell Books, Paperback]
Here is an quote from the publishers summary of the book, "For twenty years, the government selected civilian and military personnel for psychic ability, trained them, and put them to work, full-time, at taxpayers' expense, against real intelligence targets. The results were so astonishing that the program soon involved more than a dozen separate agencies, including the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Security Council, the FBI, the National Security Agency, the Secret Service, the Navy, the Army, the Air Force, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Drug Enforcement Agency, the US Customs Service, the US Special Forces Command, and at least one Pentagon drug-interaction task force. Most of this material is still officially classified."

For an autobiographical-historical perspective of remote viewing, see Ingo Swann's Remote Viewing -- The Real Story.   Ingo Swann, who initiated and participated in many scientific studies of psychic capabilities, has a detailed historical discussion of intuition. He refers to intuition as a "superpower of the human biomind", and he considers this natural ability to be very widely spread among human beings.    He also discusses advances in bio-physics which are demonstrating remarkable sensitivities in the human nervous system - see "On-Going Scientific Discovery of Sensory Receptors Which Account For Many Subtle Perceptions",12 September 1996 (Original presentation was made at the United Nations on 21 March 1994)

Mind Trek is a book by Joseph McMoneagle, a very good remote viewer - maybe the best, who writes about his experiences in the government-sponsored remote viewing programs. An excerpt of Mind Trek, by the publisher, is here.

An older and more difficult book to find, and one which is highly recommended is The Mind Race, by Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984. Example from the Early SRI work are described. Also, "Associative Remote Viewing" is discussed; this is fundamentally the "Associative Intuition" approach being applied by P-I-A.

In a more recent book (1998) by Russell Targ and the spiritual healer Jane Katra, "Miracles of Mind: Exploring Nonlocal Consciousness and Spiritual Healing, the authors discuss and connect remote viewing and healing. The primary thesis is that nonlocal consciousness in a nonlocal universe has these abilities.  Nonlocality is the word they use to evoke the concepts of: the collective unconscious, the Oversoul, quantum interconnectedness, etc.

Is "nonlocal" consciousness influenced by your orientation with respect to the stars?  A recent scientific study indicates the answer is yes!  There appears to be a significant increase, about a factor of 4, in some types of intuitive functioning at a Local Sidereal Time (LST) of 13.5 hours.   S. James P. Spottiswoode has published this result in: Apparent Association between Effect Size in Free Response Anomalous Cognition Experiments and Local Sidereal Time.  Here is his abstract:

Nothing is known about the physical mechanism of anomalous cognition (AC), or ESP. A first step towards generating focused hypotheses would be the discovery of a physical parameter which clearly modulated AC performance. In this paper, an association between the local sidereal time (LST) at which a trial occurs and the resulting effect size is described. In an existing database of 1,468 free response trials, the effect size increased 340% for trials within 1 hour of 13.5 h LST (p = 0.001). A independent database of 1,015 similar trials was subsequently obtained in which trials within 1 hour of 13.5 h LST showed an effect size increase of 450% (p = 0.05) providing confirmation of the effect. Possible artifacts due to the non-uniform distribution of trials in clock time and variations of effect size with experiment are discussed and rejected as explanations. Assuming that some unknown systematic bias is not present in the data, it appears that AC performance is strongly dependent upon the LST at which the trial occurs. This is evidence of a causal connection between performance and the orientation of the receiver (i.e., a term for subject or participant), the earth and the fixed stars.

Copyright 1998 by Physics-Intuition-Applications, Inc.