Connections Through Time
P-I-A's Quarterly Online Publication
Issue 1: October - December 1998
Topic - The Big Bang and Consciousness
The Big Bang involves wondrous mysteries concerning our universe and our consciousness. How remarkable it is that scientists can consciously gather evidence about the earliest moments of our universe. Equally remarkable is that scientists have demonstrated that human beings can gather information from the future - this intuitive ability is also a wondrous mystery.
COBE "Pictures" from the Early Universe

The COsmic Background Explorer (COBE) spacecraft has been involved in some of the most exciting work ever done in the study of the universe. It has peered back in time some 15 billion years to near the creation of the universe, which scientists believe began with an explosion known as the "Big Bang."
Capabilities of Consciousness
U.S. Government Sponsored Research in Remote Viewing (i.e., the gathering of information which is remote in space and/or time) is discussed. This body of scientific research demonstrates that human consciousness can sometimes connect with and retrieve remote information from the past, the present, and the future.
Predicting the Future
We invite our visitors to participate in an online experiment. You have some level of intuitive ability for predicting the future with odds better than chance. A methodology for quantifying, and hopefully improving, your intuitive ability has been developed and is made available online. Individual results will be kept private, general results will be published.
Copyright 1998 by Physics-Intuition-Applications, Inc.