According to the Link Theory authors: "We now have in hand a
new approach and the supporting mathematics necessary for a precise
probabilistic account of bidirectional causality outside of
time. ... We are now able to formulate
sensible theories about how psi might work, and to put these theories to the
test with new experiments on the drawing board."
M5 (Modular Model of Mind/Matter Manifestations):
"The essence of this modular model is to set aside the common presumption
that anomalous mind/matter effects are achieved by direct attention of the
conscious mind to the observable physical processes addressed. Rather,
an alternative is proposed wherein unconscious mind and intangible physical mechanisms are invoked
(Theory of Enformed Systems): "Enformy is the capacity
to organize; that is, enformy is to organization as energy is to work. At prephysical levels of organization, enformy is expressed as curiosity,
mental creativity, life per se, and the evolution of species.
... In short, enformy accounts for the organization inherent
in all holistic systems, whether prephysical, physical, or biological."
Prediction of a High-Speed Object Entering the
Earth's Atmosphere
reactions of an airline pilot who witnessed the event, as recorded in a remote
viewing (RV) session which predicted
the event in advance.
Thoughts and emotions being experienced at an event, as
well as physical-event information, are available to
talented RVers even before the event occurs.
ISSN: 1525-8807
Copyright 2002 by Physics-Intuition-Applications, Inc.
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