Applications: MISTIE - An Online Approach for Training Your Intuitive Capabilities for Predicting the Future
Connections Through Time - Issue 3: April - June 1999
Your intuition can be trained for predicting the future with an edge over chance. MISTIE is the online training component of our AVM Project. AVM represents an Animal, Vegetable or Mineral target/photo that will be randomly chosen after you enter your prediction.
Feedback is essential during training to reinforce what you are doing right and to assist you in eliminating what you are doing wrong. Feedback consists of the actualized AVM target/photos plus your success percentile history as compared to chance. MISTIE provides feedback in minutes rather than the two stock trading days needed in the full AVM Project stock market application. A random number generator is used to determine the AVM nature of the target/photo after your predictions are submitted.
(MISTIE is short for MInute Stock-simulator for Training and Intuition Evaluation.)
More details are below including specific methods that can be successfully applied using MISTIE for predicting the future; however, if you feel ready to explore this new online training technique, you can logon here. Predict, get feedback, and have fun.
Predicting the future using intuition is a natural capability of human beings. While intuition is not an intellectual-analytical-scientific process, scientific studies have demonstrated that predicting the future is a reality of our universe. For example, see the summary in Issue 1 as well as the scientific confirmation studies done by a group at Princeton University. The scientific work is sufficient to prove the existence of this phenomenon, known as precognition.
Our goal, with MISTIE and the AVM Project, is to provide online techniques for helping you train and apply your intuition for predicting the future. The online approach is simple and structured. The structure is important for obtaining consistent above-chance results and for establishing a methodology which can lead to practical applications.
The simplicity of the approach follows from being able to choose to do the following from any page after you logon:
- Enter Predictions
- Obtain Feedback: photographic and quantitative
- Set Preferences
These choices are available from the Welcome Page and from well-marked links near the top of the other pages (right below the "pia line"). A how-to description of what to do with each choice is here - the how-tos for MISTIE are the same as for the AVM Project.
The most frequently asked question, and appropriately so, is:
QUESTION: What method or technique should I use for making my intuitive predictions?
ANSWER: The key is to develop a method that bypasses your conscious-thinking side and lets your subconscious-intuitive side do the predicting.
The subconscious-intuitive part of you
can use your nervous system
to gather the future information
that you request
from the universe and
communicate that information
to the conscious-thinking part of you.
Three specific methods, the Pendulum, Associative Remote Viewing, and Hunches will be discussed below.
1. The Pendulum
- The use of pendulums for answering questions, including questions about the future, is ancient.
- A typical pendulum is attached to a bob with a string or metal chain which is about 8 inches long. The pendulum is held between the thumb and forefinger of the dominant hand (the hand you write with, generally). A pendulum can be used to predict A, V, or M for any A-ID target/photo by clearly establishing which movement of the pendulum's hanging "bob" is associated with A, V, and M. Two styles for this communication are described next.
- STYLE 1: There are 4 basic movements of the bob - forward and back, left to right, clockwise and counter-clockwise.   For example, you could use:
Animal --- forward and back motion
Vegetable --- clockwise motion
Mineral --- counter-clockwise motion
However. feel free to establish your own associations. What is important is that you communicate clearly with your subconscious and your subconscious can communicate clearly with your consciousness so that the predictions can be recorded.
- First practice with the pendulum by asking it to "tell" you what the motion for an Animal target/photo is. Then do Vegetable and Mineral. Repeat this until it is clear to your conscious and subconscious parts what the motions for A, V, and M are.
- Now go to MISTIE, logon, focus your attention on a specific A-ID target number, and let the motion of the bob "tell" the prediction. You consciously become a witness to events including the motion of the bob; however, you do not consciously move the pendulum - leave that to your subconscious. You may witness sensations in your fingers that cause the pendulum motion. This is your subconscious at work.
- STYLE 2: A closely related style is to use a pendulum chart such as shown here. (If you wish to try this technique, a bigger version of this chart is available for printing purposes by clicking on the image.)
The communication between the conscious and subconscious parts of your self are based on the directional motion (angle) of the pendulum's bob. Initially place the bob above the dark black dot so it is free to move toward the A, V, or M.
- First develop your communication skills by asking your subconscious to confirm the direction of motion for an Animal. Similarly, confirm the directions for a Vegetable and then Mineral target/photo that you will be shown in the future.
- Use the target/photos in MISTIE to reinforce the communication and intentions of being successful at predicting the future target/photos. Look at the photos, especially the ones you did not predict correctly, and have the pendulum tell you the correct answer during feedback.
- Practice, practice, quietly observe your self, learn from your poor sessions, practice some more, and learn from your successful sessions. Then, practice some more with MISTIE until you reach the 99th percentile with at least several hundred predictions. Setting up a regular rhythm for making your predictions is important, especially during the early stages. We suggest 10 to 30 predictions per day - weekends included or not, as you choose.
- Have fun. The subconscious-intuitive seems to be wise and yet is also related to the child in you. It wishes to fulfill your conscious intents and the subconscious enjoys praise and likes to have fun.
- There are many books and online references about using the pendulum for various applications, including predicting the future. We do not endorse one method vs. another. What we do encourage is the regular measurement and record-keeping of your successes vs. chance, such as the MISTIE online system. Thus use the pendulum for making predictions that will include difinitive feedback. Here are three references for your info:
2. Associative Remote Viewing (ARV)
- Here is an excellent overview of many aspects of Remote Viewing. The definition of Associative Remote Viewing (ARV) from this link is:
Associative remote viewing is not a methodology or a type of protocol, but rather is
a type of tasking for a given RV project. Usually associative RV is used for
binary-type targets (where there is a choice of two (not more than three) outcomes
or answers), and these types of targets are often also a form of precognitive work.
The tasker "associates" three specific targets with the possible outcomes in
question. When tasked, the Viewer's description will (it is hoped) match one of those
targets clearly enough for the tasker to conclude an answer. For example, if the
target is the rise or fall of the price of sugar on the commodities market tomorrow,
the tasker may assign "Niagara Falls" to a "fall" answer, "the Eiffel Tower" to a "rise"
answer, and "the grand canyon" to "other" (such as, stays the same, the stock
market is closed that day, or any other potential). The viewer is tasked with,
"Describe the target." If the Viewer's description can be correlated with one of the
predefined associated targets, that is what the analyst or tasker would take as the
psi-derived "answer."
- A slide show showing examples of ARV with two choices is here. A free ARV training course is provided for those interested. We have not taken the course, if you do, let us know how it was.
- Our approach is to encourage you to balance your intuition and intellect using an approach based on ARV. In our approach you first assume the role, or mindset, of the intuitive remote viewer and generate words and transcripts using your intuition. Then, you assume the role of a analyst or judge to choose one of the three possible photo-targets that will be chosen in the future. The details of this intuition and intellect (i&i) approach is here.
3. Hunches (i.e., subtle senses, knowings, gut feelings, intuitive feelings)
- Hunches are widely used in all areas of life. This term has special meaning for gamblers who often bet based on hunches. Some people's hunches do seem more consistently accurate than chance would permit. We believe you can improve your "hunching" ability with MISTIE using its quantitative measurements of your prediction accuracy versus chance.
- In the book, Future-Memory & Time: A New Skill of Mind, Sean O'Donnell describes his approach to improving the accuracy of hunches. From his book:
... my learning strategy was was really quite simple overall. For I merely tried to describe and repeat that special mind-state during which intuitions seem to happen ... even more attention to failure avoidance - i.e., the deliberate elimination of generally wrong mind-states.
As part of his general procedures, Dr. O'Donnell kept records of all his predictions and he shows his increasing skill levels over time and number of trials (many thousands).
- You can embark on a similar journey to measure and improve your ability to predict the future. MISTIE provides the tools, you must provide the discipline and intention.
Remember, you are responsible for developing the details of a successful method that works for you! MISTIE is designed to assist you with this training process. Logon to MISTIE here.
Copyright 1999 by Physics-Intuition-Applications, Inc.